Adding fumopay to your WooCommerce shop
- WordPress Version 6.2.2 (or later)
- WooCommerce Release Version 7 (or later)
- Business has signed up with fumopay at
Steps to follow
- From the home screen on the fumopay Business Console, select "Profiles" on the left hand navigation
- Select the Business Profile that you would like you use with WooCommerce. This profile will contain the selected bank account where transactions from WooCommerce will be sent to
- Once selected, click on the Security tab of the given profile
- Within the Security tab are two fields:
- Profile Key - An identifier for the currently selected profile. This lets fumopay know that it is you when money is moved from the paying customer to your bank account
- Secret Key - A key used to verify that it is you. Please keep this key safe at all times. Should you ever wish to change the secret key, edit the profile and click the "Change" button, followed by "Save" to use a new secret key.
- With the Profile Key and Secret Key in hand, go back to the WooCommerce Admin Panel and select "WooCommerce Payments"
- You should now be able to see a list of all the available payment methods used by your WooCommerce site, as well as the installed fumopay WooCommerce plugin. Make sure that the plugin is enabled to be able to start using fumopay as a payment method
- Click the "Manage" button to be able to configure the fumopay WooCommerce plugin
- You will need to make sure the following is configured to be able to start taking live payments immediately:
- Test Mode - Set "Enable Test Mode" to false
- Live Profile Key - Use the Profile Key from the fumopay Business Console
- Live Secret Key - Use the Secret Key from the fumopay Business Console
- After clicking "Save Changes", you should now have everything configured to start taking payments
Steps to follow - Test Mode
The steps for installing test payments for WooCommerce is similar to the live setup.
- Instead of using the live site, ensure that you have created a test account on our staging version of the fumopay Business Console over at
- From the home screen on the staging version of the fumopay Business Console, select "Profiles" on the left hand navigation
- Select the Business Profile that you would like you use to test payments with WooCommerce. This profile will contain the selected test bank account where transactions from WooCommerce will be sent to
- Once selected, click on the Security tab of the given profile
- Make a note of the Profile Key and the Secret Key. These will be used for testing.
- With the Profile Key and Secret Key in hand, go back to the WooCommerce Admin Panel and select "WooCommerce Payments"
- You should now be able to see a list of all the available payment methods used by your WooCommerce site, as well as the installed fumopay WooCommerce plugin. Make sure that the plugin is enabled to be able to start using fumopay as a payment method
- Click the "Manage" button to be able to configure the fumopay WooCommerce plugin
- You will need to make sure the following is configured to be able to start taking live payments immediately:
- Test Mode - Set "Enable Test Mode" to true
- Test Profile Key - Use the Profile Key from the staging version of the fumopay Business Console
- Test Secret Key - Use the Secret Key from the staging version of the fumopay Business Console
- After clicking "Save Changes", you should now have everything configured to test payments. Don't forget to set "Enable Test Mode" back to false when you are done testing
Processing Refunds
You can also process refunds using WooCommerce and fumopay.
- From the WooCommerce Admin Panel, go to orders and select the order that you would like to refund
- Inside the order, click the "Refund" button. From here, you can refund by line item, or refund by a flat rate as either a full or partial refund
- When you are happy with the refund totals, click the "Refund £ via Pay By Bank | fumopay" button
- You will be redirected to your bank to authorise the refund from your bank account to the customer's account
- Once authorised, you will be redirected to fumopay, where the refund will then be processed
- You can confirm that the order has been refunded in WooCommerce by going back to the order, confirming the amounts refunded, and then checking the "Order Notes" panel for the given order to ensure it was successful