Web hook

The web hook posts the result of the transaction or refund to your server. Please review profile to configure your web hook URL. The JSON body looks like follows:


POST your.site/web-hook-url
    "transaction_id": "fumo transaction code",
    "timestamp": "UTC request timestamp",
    "reference": "Your internal reference",
    "result": "1",
    "signature": "Signed fields"

Field descriptions

transaction_idThis is the fumo transaction code
timestampUTC Timestamp in the RFC 3339/ISO 8601 format 2024-03-15T08:15:27Z
referenceYour reference for the transaction
resultThe result of the call. Please see status codes
signatureThe signed request which is detailed below

Request signing

The signature is the concatenation of certain fields which is then given a SHA512 hash which is finally base64 encoded. In pseudo code as follows:

strToHash = transaction_id + reference + status + profile_key + secret_key + timestamp
hash = sha512(strToHash)
signature = base64.encode(hash)

The profile and secret keys are from the profile that you are using.


If your server responds to the above request with a HTTP status 200 or 201 we will see the transaction notification as completed. Any other status we will retry 5 times.


POST your.site/web-hook-url
    "refund_id": "fumo refund code",
    "timestamp": "UTC request timestamp",
    "reference": "Your internal reference",
    "result": "1",
    "signature": "Signed fields"

Field descriptions

refund_idThis is the fumo refund code
timestampUTC Timestamp in the RFC 3339/ISO 8601 format 2024-03-15T08:15:27Z
referenceYour reference for the refund
resultThe result of the call. Please see status codes
signatureThe signed request which is detailed below

Request signing

The signature is the concatenation of certain fields which is then given a SHA512 hash which is finally base64 encoded. In pseudo code as follows:

strToHash = refund_id + reference + status + profile_key + secret_key + timestamp
hash = sha512(strToHash)
signature = base64.encode(hash)

The profile and secret keys are from the profile that you are using.


If your server responds to the above request with a HTTP status 200 or 201 we will see the refund notification as completed. Any other status we will retry 5 times.