QR & Link

This is where your QR code and payment link is generated for use.

QR Link

QR Code

Here you can preview the QR code and pick a size that you want to download.

Click Download and the QR code will be saved as a PNG file that can be printed or embedded on a website or emailed to receive payments. You can also customise the QR code if you want.

Payment URL

You are also provided with a Payment URL, that you can copy to your clipboard by simply clicking on it. This URL can be shared with people so that they can pay you. You can also customise the link if you want.

Please note that opening this URL will generate a transaction which you shouldn't share with your customers as it will expire after an hour. Always share the URL as it is on this page.


On pressing Customise you will see the below fields.


You can enter values for these fields and they will be prepopulated for the customer when they scan the QR or follow the Payment URL. Now just click Download or copy the Payment URL to share with your customers. If you want to start over click the Reset button.

Please reach out to us if you want more information.