
On this tab you set the basic behaviour of your profile. Try to choose a name which is descriptive of what the purpose of the profile is. Over the next sections we'll address the type of profiles and how they work.

For all profile types you have access to the following fields:

NameThis is your name for what the profile means to you.
Profile TypeThe profile type which is described in more detail below.
Require emailWhether the customer needs to provide an email when transacting. If they provide an email we will send them a transaction receipt to that email address.
ActiveWhether the profile is active and allowed to transact.

Basic Profile

Basic Profile

A basic profile is for use in scenarios that may not require complex web development to start taking transactions. Perfect for when you just need to take transactions with the app, QR code or sending someone a payment link.

Advanced Profile

Advanced profile

An advanced profile will enable extra functionality to enable development using callback URLs using the fumopay API. Depending on your business case, you can choose a behaviour that suits your development needs; choose from redirect or inline.

Redirect vs Inline

When the profile is set to redirect then the user needs to be redirected to the URL provided by fumo on creation of the transaction. For inline the transaction will need to be captured on the same page. Your development team will need to make sure they implement the webhook and/or the events API endpoints.

There are three URL fields and two for inline. Their purposes are:

Web Hook URLThis is the URL that will be called once the payment instruction has been placed between the user's account and your account. This happens separate from any user sessions. We will also call this endpoint if a transaction expires. More hereRedirect/Inline
Success URLFor a redirect profile this is the URL where the user will be redirected once payment has been captured successfully.Redirect
Success URLFor inline we will present a return to business button which is useful when working with deep/universal links.Inline
Error URLThis is where a user is redirected when an error happens during the payment process.Redirect

Transaction Email Settings

When taking a payment from a customer, fumopay offers a given profile the ability to capture a customer's email address so that a receipt can be sent out to the customer. To ensure a business has control of this email journey, there is a set of options that can be configured to require an email before payment, not require an email at all, or requesting that the customer optionally provides an email after the payment is successful.

Require Email = TRUE

Require Email is Set to True

When this flag is set to true (as pictured), a customer will have to provide an email address (along with other required details such as the bank and the amount) in order to be able to complete the payment. Once the payment is marked as complete, an email will be sent to the customer.

Email is Required to Continue Payment

Require Email = FALSE and Profile Type = ADVANCED

Require Email is Set to True

When a profile is advanced, it is likely being used to interface with fumopay's API, or to capture the payment step in an e-commerce journey. By setting the require email flag to false, a customer will be able to complete a payment without needing to provide an email. This is ideal for situations where a customer may not need a fumopay receipt due to the e-commerce process providing the receipt instead.

Email is Never Requsted from Customer

Require Email = FALSE and Profile Type = BASIC and Ask For Email After Successful Payment = FALSE

Ask for Email After Successful Payment is Set to False

When a profile is basic and require email is set to false, an extra flag is now available to configure, called "Ask For Email After Successful Payment". When this is set to false, this means that the business does not require the customer to provide an email when taking a payment, which also means that the customer will not receive a receipt on successful payment. Even if this flag is set to false, if the business has a sales email set, then they will still receive a copy of the receipt.

Email is Never Required from Customer

Require Email = FALSE and Profile Type = BASIC and Ask For Email After Successful Payment = TRUE

Ask for Email After Successful Payment is Set to False

When a profile is basic and require email is set to false, an extra flag is now available to configure, called "Ask For Email After Successful Payment". When this is set to true, this means that the business does not require the customer to provide an email when taking a payment. However, once the payment is complete, an email field appears, allowing a customer to optionally provide their email address, should they wish to receive a receipt. Regardless of whether the customer chooses to have their receipt emailed or not, as long as the business has a sales email set, they will always receive a copy of the receipt.

Customer Can Optionally Provide Email

fumopay Sends Customer Email Receipt